The online resource for Tulsa-area Fathers. Are you a dad who lives in the Tulsa area? If so, you're in the right place. We all know how important it is for fathers to be a part of their children's lives. That's what this site is all about... sharing tips, resources, and stories about being a dad. A lot of this site will be resources for "stay at home dads" (SAHD) or "work at home dads" (WAHD), but we hope that all dads can find this site useful. We hope to form dad-friendly playgroups in the future and maybe weekly or bi-weekly meetings for dads and kids. It is estimated that there are nearly 2 million stay-at-home dads in the US. That number is continuing to grow despite a decrease in the number of single-income families, and that family type is the fastest growing in America. I'm not sure how many we have in Tulsa, but if you are a SAHD, I hope that this site can be useful to you. Also dads, we'd love to have you contribute to this site in any way that you can. Just click "Contact Us" and send us a note. Thanks for visiting!